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Managed Support Services

Breathe Technology overview “At Breathe, we work hard to deliver the best Infrastructure Projects and Managed ICT Support that money can buy and have a great track record within Academy Trusts, MAT’s, Individual Schools, Colleges and Private Schools.” Our Managed Service (Proactively Managed I.T. Support) is also delivered in a different way than the ‘old fashioned […]

Phishing, vishing, smishing… what?!

Do you know your phishing from your vishing? How about your smishing from your whaling? No, we haven’t lost the plot. We’re not glitching. These are real things. Real threats to your business’s data. And if you don’t know what they are, you could be opening yourself up to danger. As always, we’re here to help. […]


The Education sector is under constant pressure from parents, management and the government to improve collaboration and results. The deployment of 21st century technologies to enhance this is especially challenging at a time of budgetary constraint and Covid-19. Budgets are always an issue, but when having to prep for home learning and keeping the children […]