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ICT System Audits for MATs, Academies, and Schools

Are you at the point where you need an IT Audit?

We are a specialist ICT Provider to the Education Sector. You may already know us or heard about us from some of your peers that work with us.

If Covid-19 lockdown has highlighted issues with the current setup of your IT, or you are planning project work with the summer holidays ahead, it may be the perfect time for an audit.

The Breathe Technology IT Network Audit Service provides an evaluation of your network focusing on elements such as your IT Strategy, System Topology, Best Use of Cloud Services, Security, Reliability, Disaster Recovery, Licensing, Remote Working and running cost.

We have significant experience in working with individual schools/Academies and MAT’s.

Our IT Network Audit, performed by a qualified consultant, can capture information that in-house staff do not have the time for, resource, experience or equipment to check. We are unbiased and have a strong understanding of how to design, build and support networks that shine in the Education Sector.

If you already have an Outsourced IT Support Partner, but have questions around the current status of your network, it may be the ideal opportunity to get an unbiased view.

We can assist with short term goals such as Remote Working, your Microsoft Licensing, WIFI, Safeguarding, Inventory Door Access, Class Room AV, IT Consolidation, Security or reducing cost.

We are also able to assist with longer term goals providing a more strategic perspective and how to get the most out of your IT.

This includes, formulating an approach for a larger MAT or even new build schools.

For further info on IT Audits, please see

Some of our customers can be seen here too:

We are currently offering a 30% discount on all audits quoted on before 31 May. To discuss your IT and our Audit Offer, please email or call us on 01223 209920

Kind Regards
