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IT Network Audits for Business and Enterprise

Time for an I.T. Network Audit?

Has Covid-19 lockdown highlighted issues with the current setup of your IT?

Are you considering using more cloud services or even hosting your IT offsite?

Is your Cyber Security not quite up to scratch or perhaps your backup and disaster recovery plan won’t save the day.

Do you have doubts around how your IT is managed by your internal team or outsourced IT provider?

Perhaps it’s time for an IT Audit? To understand where you are now and what needs to be done to resolve the issues or to get to your end goal.

The Breathe Technology IT Network Audit Service provides an evaluation of your network focusing on elements such as Topology, Best Use of Cloud Services, Security, Business Continuity, Reliability, Disaster Recovery, Licensing, Remote working and running costs etc.

We don’t only find problems; we provide you with suggestions and recommendations to resolve the highlighted issues.

An IT Network Audit performed by a qualified third party can capture information that in-house staff do not have the time, resource, experience or equipment to check. We are unbiased and have a strong understanding of how to design, build and support networks for SME’s and Mid-Market Businesses.

Additionally, If you are already outsourcing your IT and question the current status of your network, it may be the ideal opportunity to get an unbiased view. We can assist with short term goals such as consolidation, security or reducing cost. We are also able to assist with longer term goals while providing a more strategic perspective.

More information can be seen here:

We are current offering a 30% discount on all audits booked before 31 May 2021

To find out more, please email or call 01223 209920.

We would love to hear from you!