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Breathe Easy Private Cloud

Did you know that people are ditching their server rooms and on-site IT equipment?

The next step for IT Managed Services? Yes, things have evolved. 

The MSP model for IT support is a proven concept, and it can work extremely well for any size business or school. The trick is to have the right partner.

What we do know is that the traditional helpdesk support model no longer provides everything that your business or school needs. Simply put, it’s reactive. When something breaks, you call in, and it gets fixed.

The pro-active stuff is what we are really interested in today.

  • Pro-Active Maintenance. Maintaining systems is critical. Not only to keep them working and performing but also to keep them secure.
  • Your IT strategy. Is there actually a plan for your IT, and how does it tie in with the plans for your organisation?
  • Cyber security is more important than ever. Your support partner needs to be trained and certified. It’s a complex area with high risk. Have you had a risk analysis lately? Or an audit?
  • Reporting. You need some form of reporting to show you that things are being maintained. Windows updates, Firewall updates and backup, system backup etc.

However, there is a further evolution of this model…

  • Nobody wants to own a lot of hardware anymore. Nobody wants to spend large amounts of money on hardware refreshes.
  • Many organisations have introduced a hybrid or complete work-from-home model. Based on this, their office space requirement has changed.
  • Many have explored the option of moving to the cloud for hundreds of reasons. Office 365 is a no-brainer, but when looking at a full Microsoft Azure deployment and moving your servers into the cloud, is very costly.

Based on this, not only can you now follow an outsourcing model for your IT support, but the evolution is to outsource your server room and all its equipment.

Private Cloud makes this completely possible and practical. In fact, it’s quite easy, and Breathe looks after the entire process for you. Not only do you get all the features and SLA’s that you could hope for, but it is significantly more cost-effective than Microsoft Azure or Amazon’s AWS.

If either IT Managed Services or Private Cloud IT sounds interesting, let us know on 01223 209 920 and we can setup a Teams call.

We would love to find out about your aspirations and would welcome the opportunity to share more about how we do managed services and the Breathe Easy Private Cloud. In the meantime, get our Private Cloud brochure