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Are You Under Attack

Are you under attack…

From hackers armed with ransomware, I mean. Hopefully you can answer ‘no’ to that question.

But do you really know you’re not under attack at this moment? Or are you guessing, because you haven’t seen any obvious signs of ransomware?

(note – ransomware is the computer attack where a hacker locks you out of your systems and data. And you must pay a ransom, typically in Bitcoin, to get access again)

Well here’s a frightening fact: Hackers can spend weeks or even months in your network, preparing and waiting for the right time to launch their attack on your business.

But if you know some of the tell-tale signs, you can spot an attack is possible. And take action to prevent it.

That’s why we’ve written a new guide for you. It’s called “4 signs you’re under attack from ransomware”. And it details the main things you need to look out for, to keep your network intruder-free.

OK, it’s slightly more technical than the guides we normally write. But it’s still perfectly understandable by anyone.

And you’ll find it an invaluable way to assess whether or not your business is at any risk.

Get your copy right now